Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fire Dept. Field trip

We had so much fun at the Clinton City Fire Department on Tuesday! We missed those of our friends that couldn't come, though. We met 3 different REAL FIREFIGHTERS and got to climb inside a fire truck and an ambulance. We also got to tour their new facility.

We learned some very important lessons from the firemen. Take some time to review these things with your children if you already haven't.

Always wear your seatbelt!! And make sure your Mom and Dad do, too.

Have a plan in case of fire.

Have family fire drills.

Make sure to have a set meeting place in case of emergency.

Talk with your child about STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!

Review what we've learned about 911 with them.

Make sure your child knows what a fireman in his gear looks like, and explain that even though they look scary they are there to help you! Never run from or hide from a fireman.

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