Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reading Contest!

Dear Parents,

April 20-26 is "National Turn off the T.V. and READ week", and to celebrate we are having a contest!  During the entire month, whenever you read a book to your child, help them place a check on their preschool calendar.  Remember to put a check for each book you read.  At the end of the month, I'll have you return the calendars, and we'll tally up the totals.  Whichever class from Parkside Preschool reads the most books will get a special reward!

I feel strongly about this cause.  Our society puts too much time, energy, and effort into watching TV and not enough into strengthening our families! reports that "The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming."  That's a pretty big goal, but I think we could all improve just a littel :).  This month, I challenge you to make the extra effort to read when your kids are bored instead of turning on the TV.

Let's make the effort to spend more time reading, exercising, learning, playing, and bonding, and less time zoning out in front of the television!


Miss Penny

If you have a minutes this week, check out these sites about TV and kids:

1 comment:

Crystal Taylor said...

Awesome! We are so excited about the contest. Camille just started reading this past week. It just clicked and she is reading like crazy! Thanks for all your hard work.